Tech Tip Tuesdays

TechTipTuesdays: Volvo P2 Vehicles with DSTC Posting Fault Codes for Break Pressure Sensors

Volvo P2 Cars with DSTC
Break Pressure Sensor Fault Codes


This test helps diagnose causes for cars with DSTC posting fault codes for break pressure sensors.

To determine whether it is a BCM issue or an issue with the sensor, swap connectors from Break Pressure Sensor 1 to Break Pressure Sensor 2. If the code now shows Break Pressure Sensor 2, the fault is in the sensor, not the BCM. If the fault continues to read Break Pressure Sensor 1, then the fault is with the BCM.

1 Comment

  • BRAKE pressure, BRAKES are what stop the car. Well, something broken can do that too but I think that here you are meaning to talk about BRAKES and not breaks (breakages)!

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